Opioid Abatement Strategy County Highlights: Q1 2025

Section title superimposed over an orange map of Tennessee with Lake, Maury, and Union counties highlighted in blue.

West: Lake County Seeking to improve both treatment outcomes as well as continuity of care between services, Lake County has funded a certified peer recovery specialist (CPRS) to work directly in the county jail. A CPRS is an individual in recovery who has met training requirements and is certified by

Opioid Settlements in Tennessee: “Where are We Now” Analysis by The Sycamore Institute

Title superimposed over a graph, which itself is superimposed over an Appalachian town in the mountains.

This excellent overview by The Sycamore Institute of where Tennessee is now with regards the opioid settlements. This report also details some of the work that SMART has done with county governments and used some of our payment projection data for their graphics.    

(Podcast) From Busting Pill Mills to Battling at Home: An Officer’s Daughter Finds Recovery

Episode title with headshot of guest superimposed over mountains

Click here to listen on Spotify From 2001-2011, as the prescription opioid crisis spiraled out of control, Kim Harmon, then with Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, went undercover to bust pill mills, among other investigations into medical fraud. Shortly after she progressed up into a new role, however, her daughter Taylor’s

(Podcast) Getting Naloxone on College Campuses & Other Interventions

Podcast episode title featuring pictures and titles of the guests, Dr. Jessi Gold and Megan McKnight

Click here to listen on Spotify The data is clear: 18-25 is a critical time for substance use and mental health interventions. This is why programs implemented on college campuses have significant impacts. But that isn’t to say these interventions are easy to launch. My guests this month are Dr.

(Podcast) Saving Lives in Jail: Naloxone Vending Machines, MAT, and Mental Health at Davidson County

Episode title featuring guest name and picture superimposed over Appalachian mountains.

Click here to listen on Spotify As we’ve discussed many times on this show, the criminal justice system has long since become the primary point of contact for substance use disorder, especially in Tennessee. My guest this month is Eric Bauder, Deputy Chief of Corrections for the Davidson County Sheriff’s

(Podcast) If Opioid Prescriptions Are Down, Why Are Overdose Deaths Still So High?

Graphic depicting episode title and headshot of Dr. Clay Jackson against the Appalachian mountains.

Click here to listen on Spotify There’s no question that over-prescribing of opioids kick-started the opioid crisis – the data is so overwhelming that nearly two dozen major companies have settled lawsuits to the tune of tens of billions of dollars because of that evidence. We’ve since dramatically cut the

The Rise of Xylazine Shows Why Local Data Must Inform Policy and Spending Decisions

Article title superimposed over a needle and pills, featuring the NCMJ logo.

Local governments have been given direct control over a substantial amount of opioid settlement funding. While state-level data sources are valuable inputs, city and county leaders should consider local data sources when making decisions to ensure timely responses to emerging threats, as is exemplified by the rise of xylazine. Read

UT SMART and Partners Awarded Four State and Federal Grants

The logo for R.E.M.A.D.E., including the logos for UT IPS, SMART, and the INSPIRE initiative.

The UT Grand Challenges grants are intended to foster partnerships that develop innovative solutions to some of the state’s most pressing issues (strengthening rural communities, overcoming addiction and advancing K-12 education). UT SMART has been awarded two and has advanced to the second stage in the selection process for a

Opioid Abatement Strategy County Highlights: Q3 2024

Article title superimposed over a map of Tennessee with Dyer, Sumner, and Roane counties highlighted.

East – Roane County Roane County has been awarded the Excellence in the Application of the Opioid Litigation Principles. These principles, crafted by a coalition of organizations across the substance use field and expert faculty from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, represents a set of evidence-based strategies