Substance Misuse and Addiction Resource for Tennessee (SMART) Initiative

The SMART Initiative: empowering Tennessee to overcome the overdose crisis.

Our Service Areas

Webinar: Using Local Data to Inform Decisions

SMART's Program Coordinator, Jeremy Kourvelas, presented to the Tennessee Public Health Association (TPHA) on best practices relating to using local...
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County Opioid Settlement Highlights: April – June, 2024

Jefferson County Awarded for Their Spending Model Jefferson County was awarded Excellence in the Application of the Opioid Litigation Principles...
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Quarterly Opioid Settlement Office Hours – August 14th

Please join our regional substance use response consultants for free technical assistance and guidance on matters related to the opioid...
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(Podcast) Leveraging the Right Partnerships at the Local Level

Click here to listen on Spotify A cop, a guitar company, and a public health analyst walk into a bar…and...
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(New Policy Brief) Beyond Fentanyl Test Strips: The Need to Decriminalize All Drug Checking Equipment in Tennessee

KEY POINTS In 2022, Tennessee decriminalized fentanyl test strips (FTS) through Public Chapter 764. Thousands have since been distributed by...
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SMART in the news: “Madison County’s OAC discusses how to distribute settlement funds”

SMART's Courtney Collier, our West Tennessee Substance Use Response Consultant, attended the inaugural meeting of the Madison County opioid abatement...
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(Podcast) How Health Insurance (or Lack Thereof) Affects Treatment Options In Tennessee

Click here to listen on Spotify According to the most recent report from the Tennessee Department of Health, two-thirds of...
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“Has fentanyl peaked?” is the wrong question.

On May 21, the New York Times published an article titled “Has Fentanyl Peaked?” The premise is that the “opioid...
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The Substance Misuse and Addiction Resource for Tennessee (SMART) Initiative guides community leaders in implementing evidence-based, cost-effective strategies that mitigate damage from substance use disorder and the opioid epidemic.

Originating in 2020 as the SMART Policy Network, the SMART Initiative grew in scope as it was incorporated into the University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service in early 2022. In addition to examining and communicating data and policies related to substance use disorder, the SMART Initiative seeks to empower communities and local governments to combat the overdose epidemic.

Our mission is to empower Tennessee to overcome the overdose crisis.

Our vision is a healthy Tennessee where people impacted by substance use can live and thrive.

Join our mailing list to get our quarterly newsletter and the latest policy briefs in your inbox, and be sure to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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