New Research: Do People Actually Use Fentanyl Test Strips and Change Behavior?

Fentanyl testing strips (FTS) were decriminalized in Tennessee in 2022, and since then have become a widely used tool for harm reduction efforts across the state. Considering that fentanyl has almost entirely replaced heroin and other opioids in the drug supply, we sought to find out if people remained interested in using FTS and would actually change their behaviors to take additional precautions to prevent overdose in a market saturated by fentanyl.

We also sought to find out if people were interested in using FTS to get “better” drugs, or if they were interested in avoiding fentanyl. Finally, we looked at attitudes and behaviors as a function of drug preference.  In other words, are people who use methamphetamine different than people that use opioids in their beliefs around FTS?

This study was conducted with help from Metro Drug Coalition in Knox County and Live Free in Claiborne County.

Read the findings here.